I made a Woman Cry

I met Denise (not her real name) recently over coffee as part of both of our networking efforts.    We had the usual “getting to know you” chit chat about kids, work, past jobs, how we got where we are, where we grew up, etc.

Then, she mentioned that her mom has dementia and that her dad is overwhelmed trying to be the primary caregiver.  I showed her how the VA (because Dad is a WWII veteran) could make available to her parents over $1200 per month to get Mom some help from a home care agency.  (At the same time, the home care agency would be helping Dad by reducing his caregiver burden.)

That’s when Denise started to cry.  She found out that help is available for her parents, her siblings, and herself.  Dad just has to allow an elder law attorney to help him qualify for the benefits.

Elder law attorneys not only help seniors protect the life savings that comes from a lifetime of productive work.  Elder law attorneys also help bring in government benefits that lead to more care.  Perhaps more importantly, elder law attorneys can help seniors and their families feel less overwhelmed despite the difficulties of someone needing long term care.

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