Happiness in long term care is (mostly) up to the resident

As I wrote in my post two weeks ago (January 29, 2015,) my Grandma thrived in her nursing home despite our initial struggles with the decision on where she should live after her broken hip (discussed in my blog post of January 22, 2015.)  Similarly, my Aunt Gert chose to live in her nursing home over her own house (blog post of January 16, 2015.)

My family’s good fortune with nursing homes resulted from the mindset of my Grandma and my Great Aunt more than from anything else.  Grandma and Aunt Gert entered their respective nursing homes with open minds.  As a result, both thrived.

Fortunately, Aunt Gert and Grandma didn’t torture themselves about the life that was behind them.  They accepted (well, actually, plunged into) their new homes.  They made new friends.  They got involved in new activities.  They acted like they had just moved into a new apartment in a new neighborhood (just with less to unpack.)

We all probably know seniors who have made the lifestyle transition into long term care well.    If they receive in-home care, they accept the caregivers (family, friends, or professionals) willingly or even eagerly.  Seniors who make successful moves into assisted living or nursing homes, have the “new place to live – new people to meet” attitude that Grandma and Aunt Gert had.

Unfortunately, there are many seniors who let their long term care make them unhappy.  Has anyone found the secret to helping others adopt a different mindset?


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