Blog Topic Suggestion

I try to write something new (and useful) to my blog every week.  So, I know that I will sometimes have writer’s block.  I’d like your help, please.

If you have a topic for my blog that you’d kindly suggest, I promise to consider it.  (I don’t promise to pursue it.  I just promise to consider it.)  I try to write about issues concerning seniors, health care, long term care, special needs, Veterans Pension (aka Aid and Attendance) benefits, and Veterans Compensation benefits.  Please keep your suggestions within or near to those topics.

If I use your topic suggestion, I’ll put the content in both my blog and newsletter.

Thank you for your help.

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     Jim’s mission is “Protecting Seniors and People with Special Needs.”

    For help with long term care or with planning for someone with special needs,
    call Jim, or contact him through this website.

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